Deployed Contracts
Network Information
Orbit protocol's smart contracts are deployed on the Blast L2, and can be found on the below networks:
Classification | Network | Chain ID | Currency Symbol |
Mainnet | Blast Mainnet | 81457 | ETH |
Testnet | Blast Sepolia | 168587773 | ETH |
Contract Addresses
Core Contracts
Contract | Address |
oERC Delegate | |
Pyth Oracle Proxy | |
Interest Rate Model #1 | |
Interest Rate Model #2 | |
Timelock |
Main Pool Markets
Contract | Address |
Space Station | |
Space Station Implementation | |
oEther V2 | |
oUSDB | |
oWBTC | |
oEther V1 (Deprecated, please use V2) |
LRT Pool Markets
The following addresses are the lending markets for the isolated Liquid Restaking Token pool.
Contract | Address |
Space Station | |
Space Station Implementation | |
oEther | |
Orbit Renzo ETH (ezETH) | |
ofwWETH |
Blast Points Operator
The Blast Points operator authenticates and distributes Blast Points and Blast Gold. All of our ERC-20 tokens receive points.
Orbit Contracts
Contract | Address |
$ORBIT | |
Vote-escrowed Orbit | |
Staking Rewards |
Last updated